[剪辑软件] HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...

抱着猫的老鼠 发表于 2017-5-23 09:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...

本软件是由FXhome机构出品的HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版,大小:280 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

FXhome已经发布了HitFilm Ultimate,这是该公司廉价的集编辑、合成以及效果于一身的软件包的最新版本,现在包括了Imagineer Systems高端图像跟踪系统软件的捆绑版本。

虽然常常被认为是一款适合业余爱好者的软件包,但是HitFilm Ultimate也有许多令人惊讶的专业功能,包括3D合成、键控、3D粒子以及程序性破坏工具。最新的发布功能也包括mocha HitFilm,这是Mocha 的3D摄像头控制器的特许版本。

在无须任何输出,在索尼的Vegas Pro 12内也可以安装HitFilm 2项目。该软件可以支持高达4K的分辨率。HitFilm Ultimate 2可安装在Windows Vista以及更高版本的操作系统内,售价399美金。现在也有免费的标准版本以及售价149美金的速成版,但这两种版本都没有一些诸如mocha HitFilm的高级功能。

HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...

HitFilm Ultimate 是一个全新的电影编辑软件解决方案,让你实现专业品质的影片效果,一个很不起眼的价格。 强大的CG效果引擎技术和多位元色彩控制提供专业级的效果和后期合成。
HitFilm Ultimate 拥有昂贵的专业软件解决方案,包含所有功能但有一个合理的价格。不管是专业人士还是初学者都可以非常容易地使用它。它拥有最先进的软件解决方案和技术。

简单和易于使用的用户界面将允许您使用两个图像和剪辑。 HitFilm Ultimate许多功能如动画,粒子效应操纵,三维工作中,色彩构成,它也允许多轨编辑,让您可以在同一时间比较和两个项目的工作。


HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...

HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...

HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32872 UPDATE 5
HitFilm Pro 2017 is the latest version of its all-in-one video editing and visual effects app. With no subscription fees and a large install base of users of its software, HitFilm is the only video product to combine an nonlinear editor, a compositor with motion graphics and 3D tools, and over 500 visual effects and presets. It includes 3D object rendering, powerful particle simulation, over 500 customizable visual effects and presets, color grading, BorisFX titling and 3D text, and over 150 plug-ins for use in other video so??ware.
HitFilm Pro 2017 is still a young product, yet quite capable in every area — if a bit unpolished on the editing side. Designed for newer users, the product grows impressively with each release. Older hands may miss features, niceties and shortcuts of 20-year old apps, but will be surprised at the breadth of features available, especially for motion graphics and VFX. The UI is familiar enough to industry standards, but perhaps FxHome could return to the innovative HUD stylings of its early plug-in development, to distinguish HitFilm with faster results and easier use.
What’s new: Get upgraded 3D rendering, new visual effects and presets, audio sync and more…
Hundreds of thousands of filmmakers around the world are using HitFilm to create everything from feature-length films to 30 second YouTube videos. Together, we’ve created a community of collaborative learning where we share our ideas, questions and pro tips for making great films.
Loader also works on Previous Versions. The loader allows setting delay time if you have a problem extract – Problems_Help.rar – see Read Me.txt
Some Virus programs may detect a Loaders use of WriteProcessMemory as : A program capable of changing another Programs Memory. Add an Exception to your Virus Program if the HitFilm Loader is detected, and Flaged !
WHY USE A LOADER: Hitfilm uses CRC Checking with Digital Signature Certificates to check if files have been changed.
PROBLEMS : extract – Problems_HELP.rar and see Read Me.txt … If Loader fails, or HitFilm starts as Demo then set Read memory wait Time.
Loader attempts to obtain Base Address, before setting Address to Default ASLR Disabled. If loader is unable to get the Base Address on your computer, or fails to activate then see Read Me.txt
Stand Alone Activation only: If you want the HitFilm Pro external Plugins to work then buy them to help support development. If you like the program then buy it to help support development.

HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...






jiangsheng 发表于 2017-5-23 09:57:47 | 显示全部楼层

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HitFilm剪辑合成软件2017V5.0.6511.32872版 HITFILM PRO 2017 VERSION 5.0.6511.32...
suzuka 发表于 2017-5-23 09:57:57 | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 枚CG币

bamboo 发表于 2017-5-23 09:59:31 | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 枚CG币

liyue001 发表于 2017-5-23 18:01:46 | 显示全部楼层
大四喜 发表于 2017-5-24 10:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
燕子123 发表于 2017-5-24 10:56:36 | 显示全部楼层
喵orz 发表于 2017-5-25 20:05:39 | 显示全部楼层
无影黑侠 发表于 2017-7-23 01:39:19 | 显示全部楼层

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